It will be "business as usual"

Category News

Dear Seeff Clients
As we are now aware, South Africa and the world are facing an unprecedented health emergency. COVID-19 has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization and a national disaster by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

These are certainly challenging times for all of us and our immediate focus is the safety of our Seeff Family as well as you, our clients.

We at Seeff Blouberg wish to let all our clients know that it will be "business as usual", but in order to ensure we do not have community transmission inside our offices, we have triggered our contingency plan within all our operating environments.
This includes implementing all relevant precautionary and preventive hygienic measures.

National Covid-19 Task Group
As a group, we have already created an internal Covid-19 task group, comprising members of our National Board, that will meet weekly to discuss the events of the past week and what, if any, actions and adjustments are required to be implemented.

Digital Communication
In terms of communication, Seeff was the first Google Enterprise client in the Southern African Real Estate sector and as such has been at the forefront of digital communication, including the adoption of Google's video communication product (Google Meet),
This video platform enables us to engage internally and with all our clients digitally.

Safety Protocols
Seeff are adopting the standard guidelines when engaging with clients. This includes:

  • Appropriate social distancing with show-house visitors (a minimum of 1 metre)
  • No physical contact (i.e. handshaking)
  • Will make use of hand sanitizers at regular intervals
  • Will Avoid contact with people who have entered or re-entered the country for a period of 14 days from entry from any international travel (this will similarly apply if an agent/staff member has been travelling internationally)

Show days / Viewings
We will be suspending traditional showhouses and will instead be implementing home virtual viewings, via live video showhouse webinars and/or other digital platforms.

Client Meetings
When conducting client meetings, we will ensure that we adopt strict hygiene protocols and wherever possible will offer alternatives through our online systems and platforms to host client contact digitally (Google Meet) or telephonically.

  • No meeting will be conducted with any client showing any flu like symptoms of any kind or have travelled abroad or had contact with anyone that travelled abroad in the past two weeks
  • All participants will travel to the point of meeting in their own transport
  • Everyone will be required to sanitize their hands upon arrival and departure
  • No children will be allowed to attend any meetings or viewing
  • We will keep a full record with contact details of all participants
  • We are encouraging all our clients and staff to avoid non urgent travel or meetings where possible

In the interests of limiting the potential spread of Covid-19 and the safety of both our staff and clients, we will continue to closely monitor both local and international protocol updates and look to implement these guidelines wherever possible and keep you closely updated.

Seeff Blouberg
Office: 021 55 777 55

Author: Seeff Blouberg

Submitted 29 Jun 20 / Views 1389

Parklands, Blouberg

A relatively new suburb with rapid growth of residential developments. Located within close proximity of the Blouberg beach, the N7 and R27 Marine Drive.  Parklands offers a vast variety of amenities including shopping centres, easy access to... More Info